Sunday 10 June 2012

Fine Art 8

'Desperation' - Impasto Acrylic layer with original photograph
This was a photo taken a very long time ago, on what I remember being a very cold, dark and bleak night. I am informed it was the 13th of November by the original photo. It was one of many images taken (around 100) on an evening walk around a nearby reservoir to me with all the accompanying undergrowth on the prescribed route around. I recall on that night thinking the venture was a complete waste of time; that was until I discovered this remarkable technique anyway! I wonder what the chances would be of me finding this exact spot again? 

I truly believe that exposing myself to such an incredibly bleak and austere situation really contributed to the mood and atmosphere of the photo. This experiment was part of my individually pursued project titled 'Outcasts and Loneliness', of which I have already blogged an image from ('Loneliness'/Fine Art 1). The main artist influences, appropriate to the project title, were Alberto Giacometti and Vincent Van Gogh. Exploring the life of Van Gogh much more in depth, more books than Internet, really does bring up so much more about his life. His sacrifice of such a tragic and socially-deprived life, in place of his creative contribution to the world, is absolutely incredible. The many little stories revealed by the letters to Vincent's brother Theo track and amazingly emotive journey that achieved so much yet ended so soon.

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