Tuesday 26 June 2012

Logo Design

Logo for i.materialise
Logo for i.materialise

i.materialise are a Belgian company that deal in the emerging business of user defined 3D printing. Their customs receive CAD designs, the i.materialise team tweak it and then they manufacture with the wonderful process that is 3D printing. There is a really strong and positive focus upon the social aspect of design work, where people can even sell their own 3D printed designs from an i.materialise vendor of their own. Their website makes use of an ever changing logo in the top right corner which is always a user submitted design. The casual and friendly ethos put forward by the logo perfectly reflects the approach of i.materialise. I am currently in the process of having two MultiColour plastic designs being manufactured right now! Hopefully they might even accept my logo to be used as one of the many that are already employed right now.

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